Dr. Linda Kenney (University of Illinois-Chicago and National University of Singapore) will give a talk entitled "*The /E. coli /and /Salmonella/ response to acid and osmotic stress*".

Dear CiPSMwomen,

we would like to invite you to our CiPSM lecture on September 20th.
Dr. Linda Kenney (University of Illinois-Chicago and National University of Singapore) will give a talk entitled "*The /E. coli /and /Salmonella/ response to acid and osmotic stress*".

It will be are very interesting meeting, therefore we strongly encourage you to participate. The seminar is hosted by Prof. Dr. Kirsten Jung (LMU).

Below you find the details:
date: September 20th 2016
round table discussion: 4:00 pm B01.045
talk: 5:15 pm, small lecture hall B01.027

Biocenter of the LMU
Großhadernerstr. 4
82152 Martinsried           

Contact: Magdalena Motz



Biocenter of the LMU
Großhadernerstr. 4
82152 Martinsried

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